The Coniston Hotel Country Estate & Spa

Spring Market Feedback

Thank you for joining us for our first seasonal market at The Coniston! We hope you had a successful day. As this was our first seasonal market, it would be great to get some feedback from you for future markets.

  • Did you have all the information and support you needed before the event?
  • Could we have done anything more/better in the lead up to the event?
  • If yes please add details
  • What did you think of the set up and facilities at the hotel?
  • Did you find the event financially successful?
  • If answered no, please add more detail below?
  • What improvements, if any, would you like to see made for next time?
  • Would you be interested in taking a stall at our summer market (11th August 2024)?
  • Would you be interested in taking a stall at our Christmas market (24th November 2024)?